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BKJN vs. Partyraiser 4


Trip na tento event!!!!!! 18.1.2013 - Amsterdam

BKJN vs. Partyraiser 4 – Bewezen de hardste.

It is January and the crows are here,
Like black flowers on the snow.
While I watch them rise and float towards something,
I guess they must have seen a glimpse of death.
I wish one day I could join them and fly.
Fly like crows through the night.

Společná výprava na BKJN vs. Partyraiser 4

S Shp (J.Lukeš + SHP) se společně chystáme na jednu z nejžádanějších a nejtvrdších klubovek BKJN vs. Partyraiser 4. Je tu možnost se tam vypravit společně a trochu organizovaně – tzn., že bych naplnil dodávku pro 7–8 osob, aby jsme snížili a zároveň se podělili o náklady na cestu.

Odjezd v sobotu dopoledne z Prahy a návrat domů hned po párty!

100% bude vystupovat Partyraiser Official, kdo s ním se zatím neví, ale loni a předloni to bylo velice našlápnuté! Takže tímto otvírám registraci na společnou výpravu. Cenu za cestu v dodávce jsem začal zjišťovat.

Nemusím snad ani zdůrazňovat, že shánímé OPRAVDOVÉ zájemce.


Line-up – bude postupně doplněn

1Beter Partyraiser
2Beter Hard Of Niet
Live: Bit Reactors Italië
Live: Marcus Decks
3Beter Kom Je Niet – Uit Italie
Andy The Core Italië
Tommyknocker Italië
4Beter Donker Dan Licht
Wars Industry


As winter falls, all animals seem to disappear. Except for that one small group of black birds, floating in circles through the night. While other birds choose to be somewhere else, somewhere warm, the crows stay, even when things get tough now and then. Always looking for that little bit of sensation what maybe can be found somewhere….

In this new year, at the 18th of January, most crows will fly above the Hemkade, because their leader, King of the Night and Ruler of the Up-tempo, will land on the main stage of Beter kom je Niet. Partyraiser & BKJN events proudly present the hardest party that exists! In case you doubt, events from the past do give a guarantee for the future.



With a 6 hour during set Partyraiser and several colleagues will take over the main stage of North Sea Venue. All the areas around the main stage will be filled by the best styles this genre has to offer. This makes it for the fan a true spectacle witch fully exists of a chain of highlights with the most delightful noises of this moment.

Beter Partyraiser
Who Partyraiser invites on his stage this time will be kept a secret for now. BKJN events on the other hand will reveal some information. Beginning with the area division for this year with the accompanying names.

Beter hard of Niet
The second stage, ar48, can be found behind the main stage and will be presented by ‘Beter hard of Niet’. This means that the Frenchcore will get more space, on many requests of the fans. The first names to be announced are: Marcus Decks livBeter kom je Niet from Italye & Bit Reactors live.

In the left wing you will find the third area ‘Beter kom je Niet from Italy’. As the name suspects, you will only find Italian heroes like Tommyknocker & Andy the Core.

Beter donker dan Licht
The fourth and darkest area is the BDDL area. Here you will find everything that is dark and hard, Industrial or Terror you can expect everything here. As usual the lineup is very divers and with a lot of nationalities. The first two names that will be presented here are: s’Aphira and Wars Industry.


The ticket sale will start today, at 17.00 exactly. Tickets can only be bought at Previous editions were all sold out. This year there will be a fewer amount of tickets available to guarantee the quality of this event.
Check the website or Facebook page for more information.

€ 29,50 !!!

Partyflock link:…_Partyraiser

€ 29,50 !!!


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